How to separate water from oil in palm oil production process?

FAQ / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date: July 16, 2019

Normally we use the vacuum drying system to separate water from oil in palm oil production process. There are seven steps for whole palm oil production process: sterilizing, threshing, digesting, pressing, clarification, filtration, oil drying. Among of them, oil drying is the last step before the palm oil going to storage tank. It need to heat the oil to make the water become steam and then remove it by vacuum pump. To avoid the palm oil go bad during the heating, we use the vacuum pump to vacuumize firstly, which will also make the water is easier to gasify. By this way we can remove the water from oil in palm oil production process and also can get the high quality palm oil. (Related reading: What are the steps in palm oil production? )

palm oil processing machine We use the vacuum drying system to separate water from oil in palm oil production process

Some customers may ask why there is water in the palm oil, which comes from three parts mainly: the moisture of the fresh palm fruits, sterilizing, and the water added during the palm oil production process. Sterilizing is necessary for the palm oil production process, which not only can make it very easy to thresh, but also can avoid the rancidity of the palm fruits. Normally we use hot water or steam to sterilize, which will leave some waters mixed in the oil. Besides, the palm oil is hard to flow during the production, we will add some hot waters in digesting, pressing and clarification to make it easy to flow. Which will also increase the moisture of the crude palm oil.

palm oil production processThe water in palm oil is mainly contained in several parts:the moisture of the fresh palm fruits, sterilizing, and the water added during the palm oil production process.

Whether the presence of water in palm oil affects palm oil?

The water in the palm oil will influence the storage time of the palm oil. It will go to rancidity within the short time if without drying. But after drying the crude palm oil can be stored several months.

If you want the longer storage time, it needs the further processing machine. Palm oil refining is purity of the crude palm oil by degumming, deacidification, decolorization and deodorization. With the improvement of living standard, the people has higher and higher requirements of the cooking oil, they prefer to the refined palm oil(RBD palm oil). If you are interested in it, this is the refinery machine for your reference: (Small scale palm oil refining machine

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