How to get palm oil from fresh palm fruit bunch?

FAQ / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date: October 16, 2018

Palm oil is the oldest and most consumed cooking oil in Nigeria.The palm oil is the oil extracted from the fruits of a palm tree. It is one of the basic components of our traditional dishes here in Nigeria. The business opportunities in red palm oil production in Africa are quite impressive.

palm oil and palm fruit
Palm oil is extracted from palm fruit

Palm oil makes up nearly 50 percent of edible oils consumed worldwide. Apart from being a popular ingredient in African food (especially soups, stews and pottage), palm oil has one of the most versatile uses of any plant product.

The global palm oil market is worth hundreds of millions of dollars every year.

Although West Africa lies in the center of the world’s oil palm belt, it produces less than 5 percent of the palm oil consumed worldwide. Malaysia and Indonesia have become the dominant powers in palm oil production and presently supply more than 70 percent of the palm oil consumed worldwide.

Currently, no African country, except Cote D’Ivoire, produces enough palm oil to meet the demand of its local market.

How to get palm oil from fresh palm fruit bunch?

Palm oil production method is very different from other oil seeds. It mainly includes 9 sections:

palm oil production machine
Complete set palm oil prouduction machine
1. palm oil Raw materials storage section:Fresh palm fruit bunch must be first measurement recorded by the pound into the plant, then unloaded to loaded fruit slopes and stored.

2. Sterilizing section: fresh palm fruit bunch are airtight sterilized in sterilizer. The purpose is to prevent enzymes broken down, avoiding FFA content in oil further increase; easy threshing machinery; pretreatment peel, prepared for the follow-up processing; pre-conditioning stone, reducing the damage kernel.  

3. Threshing section: The purpose of threshing is to separate oil palm fruit from the fruit bunch through strong vibration.

4. Palm oil pressing section: Before pressed, oil palm fruit first be carried out cooking, sterilized fruit must be re-heated to make the pulp soft and damage pulp cell structure. Then enter into continuous screw press.

5. Palm oil clarification section: Machine-pressed crude oil first diluted with water washing, the fiber material removed from the oil through settlement and filtration, and then carry out continuous settlement.

6. Finished crude palm oil is stored in storage tanks.

7. Fiber separation section: Press cake broken by breaking screw conveyor and then transported into the fiber separation air net and fiber polishing roller for fiber separating.

8.Kernel recovery section:After separation, shell is sent to the warehouse for temporary storage, as boiler room fuel when necessary; Dried kernel is sent to kernel storage warehouse for storing.

9.Sewage treatment section: Pool sewage treatment system is the most used and effective treatment.

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