Palm oil extraction technology support FAQ

What is palm oil production process?
Palm oil production process is a whole process of producing palm oil, palm oil i...
What is meaning of hydrogenated palm kernel oil?
Many kind of oil can be processed to hydrogenated oil products, like hydrogenate...
How is palm oil made?
Palm oil is extracted from one of two parts of the palm plant. Palm oil from the...
Palm oil refinery plant
Palm oil refinery plant include two main steps which is crude palm oil refining ...
What is hydrogenation palm kernel oil?
Hydrogenation is the process by which a hydrogen atom is bonded to the double b...
What are different products with palm oil?
Palm oil can as a material added to many product,such as pastry, cream,soap, che...
What's the products with palm oil?
Solve palm oil questions, like: what is palm oil?How many products is got from o...