How to make peanut oil at home?

FAQ / Chat on line / Give me a price / Date: October 10, 2016

With so many people are pay attention to health, many people are not trust the oil quiality that purchased from market, so to make oil at home become their best choice.
And for the peanut is the most common oil seeds in the world, and also each to get, so to make peanut oil at home is the most suitable way. Then how to make peanut oil at home, today I will show you:

how to make peanut oil at home
how to make peanut oil at home

1,  Get the Peanuts
Buy fresh peanuts from the grocery stores. You will require pretty large amount of peanuts, because from about 3 cups of peanuts you will get only 1 cup of oil. So, according to this ratio, you have to adjust your required quantity of purchase.
2 – Prepare the Peanuts
This is the most time consuming part in this process of making peanut oil. First you require breaking the hard shells and bring out the peanuts in a large bowl. Next, you have to remove the fine skin layer from the peanuts. Once you remove the skin for all the peanuts, wash them well first in cold water and then in warm water.
3 – Soak the Peanuts
Put the washed peanuts in a clean bowl and pour warm water into it. Let the peanuts soak in warm water for 10-15 minutes, so that the peanuts get little soft.
4 – Press the Peanuts
Drain the water from the bowl and put the peanuts in the blender. To make peanut oil, first you have to prepare the peanut paste. Blend the peanuts thoroughly, to get a smooth, buttery paste of peanuts. You may add 1-2 tablespoons warm water, if you think that it is becoming difficult for the blender to run. But, don’t add too much water, as this will make the consistency of the paste more watery.
5 – filter the peanut oil
Our oil press machine has the oil filter on the machine, will filter the machine directly to get clear edible peanut oil.

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